Computer Services
Rates / Terms of Service and Payment Of
Website Designing and Digital Livestock Photo Retouching - You can have us make you a budget cell phone friendly website or just
have us clean manure and mud off your livestock digital pictures to use for your next production sale flyers and catalogs.
Webmaster Comments:
I enjoy making websites for people with
livestock and pets the most, but I also
have a some experience with Zen-Cart
shopping cart systems and other types of
business websites, so enjoy some of those
challenges. I also do digital photo
retouching if needed, and most often
work on digital cattle pictures to remove
flies, ticks, mud and manure, so the
photos can be used on websites, brochures, flyer’s, and sales
catalogs. Questions? Contact Me
Rates and Terms of Service:
My fee is currently $21 an hour (subject to changes). I believe, when you compare with other webmaster's fees (often $35 to $65
and hour), you will find my fees are very reasonable and very likely half or less, of the going rate found locally and on the Internet.
Note: I do not normally work on Sundays and National Holidays (family time first on those days, plus I need to rest eyes from
computer use) unless on my own discretion, just to catchup when I'm behind schedule. Otherwise special requests for work on those
days, are at time-and-a-half rates.
This is what most of my clients and I have for an agreement:
I do not provide domain names nor webhosting packages. I recommend my clients to be lease owners of their own domain
names and webhosting packages. And pay for the service with their own credit card to save money by not paying me monthly
fees to do so.
But if this is confusing to setup for you, and so that you don't buy services you don't really need, as a credit card merchant
myself, I'm willing to assist a client to setup their own domain name and webhosting package for no charge, if they want me to
also be their webmaster. Email me for details on how I can assist you with this setup.
After setup, you are owner and responsible to keep up your payments for the domain name and your webhosting package
with your webhosting provider. And you will receive all email notices about your domain name and webhosting package. You
can forward a copy to me if you need help understanding or if there is information I might need as your webmaster.
Clients will provide to me their website login/FTP password information, so I can work on their websites.
Clients usually send to me by email, snail mail, or provide URL of material (wording, images, etc.) they want on their websites.
On this page, I have tips to help you communicate with me on that.
If a client needs assistance with writing text or story lines for their website, I can assist at my hourly rate, if the client will give
me a list of subjects points to write into story line. I will then post to their website and client can read over and request
changes/ideas/updates as needed.
Clients are responsible for the content on their websites. And agree not to provide me with material that they have harvested
from other websites without permission, or in violation of copywriter laws.
Clients agree to have my business name/URL and email contact on at least the bottom of Home or Index page of their website.
Clients do their own proof reading to save money by not paying me to do so by the hour. This also helps to assure them the
website content is suitable to their needs, when they personally review the work.
If a change, correction, or update is needed, I will login time to the nearest 5 minutes, with a minimum of at least 5 minutes to
be charged.
If I originally made an error on a webpage from directions sent me, I will fix the error no charge. If an website owners error to
correct, I will login time to the nearest 5 minutes.
I do not make a habit of answering the door, phone, or leaving a project without logging my time to the nearest 5 minutes. That
way my clients are not being charged for time when I'm required to do something else. These moments "away" from a project,
will also show on my detailed billing.
When email or letter request come in for updates, I place the request on my "turn list". I try not to be behind more then a day
or two on my "turn list", and often times I can get to an update on same day, just depending on circumstances at the time. I will
send an email notice when an update has been posted to the website.
At times there maybe additional charges for templates, scripts, images, software, licenses, etc. that your website or you may
I have purchased rights for licenses to use certain common used software, templates, scripts, and images to use on my clients
websites. Should a client dismiss me from being their webmaster, some of these items may have to be removed from the
clients website, if the terms of my licenses require that.
If services discontinue between a client and myself, I will provide to the client his/her login and password information for their
website(s) and domain name(s), if I have that information. The client will agree to allow me to remove scripts, images, software,
etc. that I have license to use on their website as long as I'm their webmaster, or the client will agree to purchase rights/license
from the providing vender if they wish to have those items remain in use on their website.
If a client wants to move on to another webmaster for some reason. Or if I need to discontinue providing services to a client for
some reason. Lets politely do each other the common courtesy of a two week notice if possible. Of course sudden injury,
sickness, and/or death could interfere with this agreement.
Please Contact Me if you have any questions or would like to see some of my work.
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My Billings and Who to Send Payment To:
I usually try billing for the previous month around the middle of the following month. As example January website work I will try to bill
for after February 15th. Date will vary slightly depending on my work schedule.
I generally send my billings by email with billing on a detailed .pdf file. You will need to have the free Adobe Reader on your computer
to view and print out the billings.
At times there maybe additional charges for templates, scripts, images, software, licenses, etc. that your website may require. I always
keep in mind tight budgets my clients usually have, so will look for minimal cost or free shareware type, if possible.
I may not bill until second month, if balance due is less then $15.00.
I would appreciate your payment within two weeks of receipt of billing. Balances due over 30 days old will be subject to a minimum
$1.00 billing fee or 1.5% interest rate "per month" (which ever amount is higher per month).
I now can accept PayPal payment, as well as regular Credit Card via PayPal's "Check Out As A Guest" Button (you do not have to have
a PayPal login to pay by regular Credit Card via PayPal). Just go to our shopping cart using the BillPay button following, and follow
the directions to make payment via our shopping cart and Paypal. Submit the payment you wish to make, review to see if correct and
press the orange PayPal button. And to pay by PayPal just login to the PayPal window and agree to make the payment. So, you can
either login to pay via PayPal, or Just click the "Check Out As A Guest" button to pay by regular credit card if you do not have
a PayPal account.
Contact and make check payment to:
The Broken Arrow
5555 40th St SE
Medina, ND 58467-9515
Phone Linda at:
Email: Linda
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