Computer Services
Website Designing and Digital Livestock Photo Retouching
Website Designing and Digital Livestock Photo Retouching - You can have me make you a budget cell phone friendly website or just
have me clean manure and mud off your livestock digital pictures to use for your next production sale flyers and catalogs.
About Me And Disclosure:
I am a farm/ranch wife who has also been a
webmaster since 1997. I prefer to work at
home, so I can take care of my handicap
daughter and teach her things, and help my
husband with some of the farm/ranch jobs.
I normally end up working for people on a
tighter budget for website work, often for
people with a small business or livestock,
and I enjoy working for them so they can
have a website presence too, even though
they can not afford paying someone $40 to
$65+ an hour for website or other computer work. For hobbies, if time
permits, I enjoyed horseback riding including trail riding/camping with
my daughter, training our horses, until a bad back injury. I still enjoy
working with our Border Collie dogs, and some oil painting and
leathercraft work, and spending time making family videos and old
photo album videos for the family.
I enjoy making websites for people with livestock and pets the most,
but I also have a some experience with Zen-Cart shopping cart
systems and other types of business websites, so enjoy some of those
challenges. I also do digital photo retouching if needed, and most
often work on digital cattle pictures to remove flies, ticks, mud and
manure, so the photos can be used by my clients on their websites,
or so they can provided the touched up pics to those who do
brochures, flyer’s, and sales catalogs for them.
For websites, my training is for working with Linux based webhosting.
I do list some webhosts that my current clients seem to like using on
my pages, because of cost and less loss of uptime.
Disclosure: I am a webmaster that receives compensation for the goods
and services I provide and occasionally from the companies whose
products/services are listed on this page. I and/or my clients test and/or
are costumers of the web hosting sites mentioned on this page. I'm am an
independent webmaster and the opinions expressed here are based on
my own experiences with the web hosting sites listed on this page.
Linda Deutscher
e-mail questions to:
Or Phone:
Photo Retouching:
To improve your website, brochures, flyers, sale
catalogs appearance, it is advantageous to clean up
photos of livestock. Especially if there is spots of excess
flies, ticks, manure, and mud on them in the body and
face areas, that are a distract to the better appearance
of your animals. To keep pasture photos and feedlot
photos more natural looking, I may leave some
mud/manure in the areas on and near the hooves, and
just below the tail. But the rest of the body area I will
clean up, if my client wishes me to do so.
See the following example:
Things You Need - To Have a Website:
People ask me this all the time!
First of all, most people think if they put a website up people will be buying from them like crazy within a few days. That is not going
to happen! If this is what you expect, perhaps you shouldn't invest in a website.
What's really going to happen, is your website is going to be lost in a sea of millions of websites out there. What you need to think
instead, is of your website as a "tool, or online salesman, and even your Internet store " for marketing. It's a wonderful tool to place
images and wording about whatever products, services, causes, or maybe personal or community or hometown info, or store, etc.
that you want available to the world to view. But, truth is, if you don't do some types of advertising, not many will find it.
Advertising can be done in search engines like Google and Yahoo, and many others. Advertising can be done on posted business
cards, exchanging links with other websites, hometown and Internet bulletin boards, flyers, snail mailing, personal websites like "My
Space" or "Facebook", and blogs. And especially for classifieds in magazines and newspapers, a website is a fantastic tool for that, as
you can put the images and wording on your website, that you can not afford to have in your classified ad. Then in your classifieds
put some catchy wording or feature product (to create curiosity) and your URL in your ads, to get people to come to your website for
more information.
Many businesses use Press Release Services for marketing monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Places like, and many more. Cost is not to bad, sometimes for as little as $200 you could cover a large region for one time,
as example the East Coast, with a press release and hope some major newspapers and magazines will feature your story in their
publication. Google these key words "Press Release Services" to find many other options and rates for issuing out press releases.
Basically, you need five things to have a website and make it useful.
First is a Domain Name - This is important and a ".com" is the best type to get. A Domain Name is like your personal "phone
number" on the Internet. It works sort of like a phone number. If someone dials your phone number, the phone number
"points" to the location your phone is at, which is probably in your house, or maybe your cell phone. The same with a Domain
Name, it "points" to the webhost where your web pages are located when someone puts your URL in the address window in a
browser, or clicks on your domain name on other websites.
My personal advise on Domain Name: Make sure you are the owner. Take out the domain name yourself or have someone you
can trust, register the name for you in your own name. You can not own a domain name forever, but sort of have it on lease by
the year. You can lease if for several years in a row if you want to. Always, pay your domain name fees early or on time. One
day over due could make a $10 a year domain name cost $200+ to get it back during a 30 day hold period. After that it is
released to public and often the second it's released a foreign scalper will have it within a few seconds of it's release via robot
software. They will use it just for the previous search engine listings the domain name may have.
You need a webhost - A webhost is a server where your web pages will be stored and available for public viewing 7 days a
week/24 hours a day. Many webhosts will also host your domain name for no extra charge for a year, if you get your
webhosting package from them. You can setup your website on any webhost in the world if you want to. There are thousands
of webhost servers out there. As long as you have rights to your domain name, you can have your domain name point to the
webhost you are using at the time.
Domain Email: Most webhosts also provide you with a email server, so you can have webmail with a POP3 email account with
your own domain name, if you wish. As example, if your name is "Jerry" and your domain name is "", you
could have a mailbox setup with
You Need a Webmaster - Someone who is able to take the time to design and update your web pages as needed. If you are a
DIY type person who has extra time. Some people have even had me setup the DIY website for them, all they want to do is go
in and edit changes that they might want. There are website building options with the webhosts I have listed. They do have
limitations, and often have extra fees for more options and webpages, but there are options available for those who DIY.
You Need Material and Goals - Pictures, a list of text/story lines, maybe a Logo. I can do some design work for logos and
images. You could also hire a professional Logo designer. Think about what you want to promote/feature on your website?
Make a list. Each website should have a minimum of a "Home" page and a "Contact Us" page. A "Links" page is also helpful, to
exchange links with other websites, which helps both you and the other websites you exchange with. Link exchange is a good
way to promote each other, and get better search engine rankings/listings.
You Need to promote your website - As explained earlier in this section, Advertise! Find ways you can afford, to let people
know you have a website.
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