Website &
How To Send Me Updates
Desired And Take
Livestock Pictures
Website Designing and Digital Livestock Photo Retouching - You
can have us make you a budget cell phone friendly website or
just have us clean manure and mud off your livestock digital
pictures to use for your next production sale flyers and catalogs.
Webmaster Comments:
I enjoy making websites for people
with livestock and pets the most, but I
also have a some experience with Zen-
Cart shopping cart systems and other
types of business websites, so enjoy
some of those challenges. I also do
digital photo retouching if needed,
and most often work on digital cattle
pictures to remove flies, ticks, mud
and manure, so the photos can be used on websites, brochures,
flyer’s, and sales catalogs. Questions? Contact Me
Sending Images:
My clients most often email me images, or send to me by
DropBox. If you would like a DropBox invite, please let me know.
If you know how, you can reduce most images down in size so the
long side is 600 to 800 pixels in length. Then save to a folder in
.jpg format and email/Dropbox them to me for editing prior to
placing on your website. I would rather work with uncropped
images, so I can use the background on those to help repair
background if needed. I will crop for website use.
Clients can also snail mail me pictures on CD, DVD, USB flash
thumbnail, or photos to be scanned. If you want these items
returned, please request that I do so, and expect the return
shipping cost on my billings to you.
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How to Email
Updates/Changes for your
It is very helpful if you learn to copy from your browser and paste
into email. On a regular PC computer, if you highlight an item with
your mouse you can then use the following Keyboard commands
in this manner. Hold down the key labeled "Ctrl" then press a
alphabet key and release.
Ctrl + C equals Copy the highlight words or item.
Ctrl + V equals Paste the highlight words or items.
Ctrl + X equals Cut the highlight words or items, note that
this goes into computer paste memory until the next Copy
or Cut command. So, you can Cut and item and paste the
same item elsewhere if you have not done another Cut or
Copy in the meantime.
Ctrl + B equals make the current highlighted words into
Bold text.
Ctrl + Z equals Undo the very last thing you did.
Ctrl + A after moving the mouse curser and clicking inside
the area, you can use this command to highlight everything
in the window, then you can use one of the other
commands to highlight, copy, make bold, or paste over the
highlight text.
Here is an example of what works well:
Go to the webpage you want to make a change in and
highlight the URL in address bar of your browser (like
Internet Explorer). After the address is highlighted hold
down the Ctrl key and press the C key (Ctrl + C) to copy the
Go to your New Email to send to me and paste this URL into
the body of the email by placing the mouse curser where
you want to paste it, then press and hold down the Ctrl key
and press the V key (Ctrl + V) to paste in the URL.
Go back to your webpage and copy the paragraph or line
you want changed, using same method above, highlight,
then Ctrl + C to copy. Go back to your email to me and place
your mouse curser in the body of the email where you want
to paste. Press Ctrl + V to paste.
Next, hit your Enter key and then paste a second copy of
same line or paragraph. This second one you can edit or
change to read the way you want it to read on your website.
Here is an example of an email to me that would work well to
understand what you want changed on one of your
Hi Linda,
On this page:
Please change this third paragraph down from top---
Firemen's Association, conducting a ticket-selling campaign.
Replace with this text---
A firemen's association, conducting a ticket-selling campaign for
their annual dance, featured this slogan: "You come to our dance,
and we'll come to your fire."
signed your name
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The Basic 5 - For
Photographing Animals:
The below tips in this section will work with cattle, dogs, cats and
other pets, although you may only want to use one or two of your
best "side shots". This can also work with cattle and other
livestock, pets, etc.
For my clients who have horses "For Sale", I recommend you try to
shot for the "Basic 5" photos of each of your horses you have "For
Sale". Do not cut off body parts, such as ears or legs. Try to avoid
cluttered background, or a background that blends in with the
same color of the horse. Having a helper to take pictures is a big
help, hard to get these type of "selling shots" without help. Brush
any mud or dirt off your horse.
Here are some good examples of the "Basic 5" pictures to have me
put on your website. It took about 40-45 shots to get these 5 better
ones. Nice thing with digital cameras now days, you don't have to
buy a bunch of film:
In most cases, it's important to represent your horse the way it is
but in it's better clear/clean pictures. That way your buyers may
want to come back, or may recommend your horses to friends for
future sales.
For website use, I like to have
the animal shots at least 700 to
800 pixels on longest length, if
you decide to reduce size for
1. Head Shot
Take your best head shot, make
sure the ears are erect and the
eyes are open. Clean the horse nostrils out with a rag, if shown in
2, Left side shot.
Hold the camera
lens pointing to
about the middle of
the rib cage. Stand
square to the horse,
not at an angle, as an angle will distort the horse proportions. Try
to get the horse if possible to have the opposite side legs in to the
middle a little bit (as shown) so that your potential buyers can see
the horses leg markings. Erect ears are a plus.
3. Right side shot.
Same thing! Hold
the camera lens
pointing to about
the middle of the
rib cage. Stand
square to the
horse, not at an
angle, at an angle
will distort the horse proportions. Try to get the horse if possible to
have the opposite side legs in towards the middle a little bit so that
your potential buyers can see the horses leg markings. Erect ears
are a plus.
4. Front legs.
Try to get a good clean shot of
your horses chest, front legs
and hooves. Having the legs
straight across from each other
is a plus. Try to take the shot
without the hind legs cocked or
lazy relaxed in the back. Horse should be standing square at a
square but natural pose for the horse.
5. Hind legs
The camera was a little to high for this shot, and it would of been
nice to have the top of the rump on this shot, but it's still a pretty
good shot of the rear. The horse is standing squarely. Note the
hind legs on this horse, the
toes do naturally turn out a
bit on this mare. It's the
natural conformation of this
horse. I do not recommend,
positioning the horse legs in
an unnatural position to fool
the buyer into thinking this
horse has perfect legs. When
the horse arrives to it's new
home, and stands there like
this, with toes pointed out a bit, Can you expect a happy buyer?
There is no reason for the buyer to be angry or surprised, if you
represented your horse with pictures of the way the horse is
Two of the below head shot pictures were taken with horses
standing just in the barn doorway, full sun hitting them with
darkening area behind them , just the inside of the barn as the
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